We support local businesses by offering free samples.


Our Services

The One-Stop Shop
For Custom Scented Candles

Why choose Candle Candle

Low minimum orders

We provide you with flexibility by accepting minimum orders (MOQ) of as low as 50 candles.

Made in Australia

All Candle Candle products are handmade in Melbourne using top quality, all-natural ingredients.

Quality Guarantee

Our candles are made by artisans who carefully handcraft and inspect each candle that leaves our factory.

Fast turnaround

All products are developed and manufactured in Melbourne, allowing us to offer competitive lead times.

Outstanding Serviced

Our candles are made by artisans who carefully handcraft and inspect each candle that leaves our factory.

Strong Logistic

We provide you with flexibility by accepting minimum orders (MOQ) of as low as 50 candles.

Low minimum orders

We provide you with flexibility by accepting minimum orders (MOQ) of as low as 50 candles.

Made in Australia

All Candle Candle products are handmade in Melbourne using top quality, all-natural ingredients.

Quality Guarantee

Our candles are made by artisans who carefully handcraft and inspect each candle that leaves our factory.

Fast turnaround

All products are developed and manufactured in Melbourne, allowing us to offer competitive lead times.

Outstanding Serviced

Our candles are made by artisans who carefully handcraft and inspect each candle that leaves our factory.

Strong Logistic

We provide you with flexibility by accepting minimum orders (MOQ) of as low as 50 candles.


comprehensive service

Custom Scent

We work with you to develop and manufacture your very own unique scents. Our artisan candle makers will give you expert advice on the best scents for the people you want to target. From niche orris scents to mass appealing vanilla scents, we can do it all.

Design, Packaging
and Production

We work with you to develop and manufacture your very own unique scents. Our artisan candle makers will give you expert advice on the best scents for the people you want to target. From niche orris scents to mass appealing vanilla scents, we can do it all.

and Shipping

Through years of experience, we have built a logistics network that makes sure your products get delivered safely to where they need to be and on time.

and Services

Make your products a success and take your brand to the next level! We at Candle Candle will advise you on the best ways to market and sell your creations.
We Also Offer Free Samples!